digital artspace

Consequent inconsistent  – ARTblog

The krautART ARTblog is where artistic musings, raw insights, and digital experiments converge. Anchored by the rants and reflections of Berlin artist Cornelia Es Said, it’s a place where the unconventional is the norm. Guest contributors, along with Cornelia’s AI partner Gippy, bring their unique perspectives on a spectrum of topics. From the latest in Berlin’s free art scene to in-depth discussions on art, artificial intelligence (AI), and the art world’s workings, each post is a tapestry of ideas and languages, sometimes German, sometimes English, or both. Here, in this realm of consistent inconsistency, we embrace diverse viewpoints and the spirit of artistic freedom.

We invite guest bloggers to join this exploration, sharing their voices on life, art, technology, and beyond.

Der krautART ARTblog bündelt künstlerische Beobachtungen, unverfälschte Einblicke und digitale Experimente. Initiiert von den Rants und Reflexionen der Berliner Künstlerin Cornelia Es Said, wird hier das Ungewöhnliche alltäglich. Gastautor*innen und Cornelias KI-Partnerin Gippy ergänzen das breite Themenspektrum mit eigenwilligen Perspektiven. Von aktuellen Tendenzen der freien Kunstszene Berlins bis hin zu grundsätzlichen Diskussionen über Kunst, KI und die Kunstbranche decken die Beiträge eine breite Palette von Inhalten ab – mal auf Deutsch, mal auf Englisch oder beides. Hier, im Reich der konsequenten Widersprüche, schätzen wir diverse Standpunkte und den Mut zur künstlerischen Freiheit.

Gastblogger*innen sind herzlich eingeladen, sich zu beteiligen und ihre Stimmen zum Leben, zur Kunst, zur Technologie und anderen Fragen beizusteuern.

Art Against War: Arkadia Festival #4 – Calls for Submissions

Art Against War: Arkadia Festival #4 – Calls for Submissions

In a time of global turmoil, the Arkadia Festival #4 invites artists to explore the theme of War. This festival, organized by the Kunstverein Ebersberg, provides a platform for creative resistance and reflection. Through large-scale posters, artists can address the impact of war and propose visions of peace.

The Code-Driven Battlefield: AI Warfare and the Future of Human Agency

The Code-Driven Battlefield: AI Warfare and the Future of Human Agency

AI warfare has blurred the line between ethics and efficiency, turning conflict into code. Who profits, who pays, and can humanity retain its moral compass as AI takes over the battlefield? Let’s dive into the unsettling realities of autonomous weapons and the urgent role of art, activism, and empathy in resisting this dystopian future.

Pop-up Gallery – made in Lichtenberg: Kunst im Ring Center II

Pop-up Gallery – made in Lichtenberg: Kunst im Ring Center II

Die „Pop-up Gallery – made in Lichtenberg“ geht erneut an den Start! In Slot 1 (17. Oktober bis 22. November 2024 im Ring Center II in Berlin) stellen die Künstler*innen Cornelia Es Said, JYE, Jula Lada Ostwind, Nathalie Lendermann, Katja Jandrijasevic und Lacy Barry aus. Die Ausstellung des anschließenden Slot 2 zeigt Werke von Vsevolod Kovtun, Wadim Herrmann, Nicolae Conecinai, Chi Maulbetsch, Oksana Metka und Dennis Fiebich, und läuft bis zum Jahresende 2024.

Maithu Bùi “fromBattlefields toRoborders”

Maithu Bùi “fromBattlefields toRoborders”

Explore Maithu Bùi’s “fromBattlefields toRoborders,” a thought-provoking exhibition on AI-driven border technologies, their violent origins, and ethical dilemmas.

Maithu Bùi’s Soloausstellung „fromBattlefields toRoborders“ in der Galerie im Turm führt in eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit KI und Grenztechnologien, begleitet von Videos, Postern und Rauminstallationen. Ab 1. August 2024, Eintritt frei!

KI vs Kunst: Zukunft Gefahr? | AI vs. Art: Future at Stake?

KI vs Kunst: Zukunft Gefahr? | AI vs. Art: Future at Stake?

KI verändert die Kunstwelt – aber zu welchem Preis? Von Urheberrechtsstreitigkeiten bis hin zum Kampf um die Anerkennung von Künstler*innen – erkunden Sie mit uns die drängenden Themen, die die Zukunft der Kunst prägen.

AI is transforming the art world, but at what cost? From copyright battles to the fight for artist recognition, delve into the pressing issues shaping the future of art.

Pop-up Gallery – made in Lichtenberg

Pop-up Gallery – made in Lichtenberg

Die „Pop-up Gallery – made in Lichtenberg“ ist bis zum 27. August 2024 im Ring Center II in Berlin zu sehen. Bis zum 5. August wird „Defiance!“ von Cornelia Es Said aus der Serie „Generation Courage“ gezeigt.

The “Pop-up Gallery – made in Lichtenberg” is open until August 27, 2024, at Ring Center II in Berlin. Until August 5, “Defiance!” by Cornelia Es Said from the “Generation Courage” series is on display.

Budget Cuts to the Arts endanger Democracy

Budget Cuts to the Arts endanger Democracy

Explore the severe consequences of budget cuts on the arts and democracy, how these cuts erode cultural diversity, foster elitism, and weaken social cohesion. Uncover the broader impact on society and the implicit elitism in privately funded art.

BLOB! – Parasiten, Symbionten und nichtmenschliche Akteure

BLOB! – Parasiten, Symbionten und nichtmenschliche Akteure

Der Kunstverein Neuhausen präsentiert vom 11. Mai bis 14. Juli 2024 das kollaborative Kunstprojekt "BLOB! – Parasiten, Symbionten und andere nichtmenschliche Akteure". Die Ausstellung öffnet ihre Türen am Samstag, den 11. Mai, von 14 bis 18 Uhr, mit einer speziellen...

#SaveBlo: The struggle to save iconic B.L.O. Ateliers from vanishing

#SaveBlo: The struggle to save iconic B.L.O. Ateliers from vanishing

In the heart of Berlin, a city renowned for its rich tapestry of arts and culture, a crisis is unfolding that could reshape its artistic landscape. The B.L.O. Ateliers, a hub for creativity and innovation, is under threat. This situation not only highlights the precariousness faced by artists in Berlin but also mirrors a disturbing trend across Europe.

Handlung* in der Zwitschermaschine in Berlin

Handlung* in der Zwitschermaschine in Berlin

„HANDLUNG*“: Eine facettenreiche Ausstellung in der Zwitschermaschine ab dem 19. April, die das Zusammenspiel von über 70 Künstler*innen feiert und deren Werke sowohl Kunstliebhaber*innen als auch die künstlerische Gemeinschaft unterstützen.

Breaking the Boundaries: The Exciting Evolution of Digital Art

Breaking the Boundaries: The Exciting Evolution of Digital Art

The ever-evolving world of fine art has undergone multiple metamorphoses throughout the millennia. From the classical masterpieces of ancient Greece and Rome, to the religious artistry of the Middle Ages, and on to the innovative Renaissance and Baroque periods, and even to the emergence of modern art movements like Impressionism and Cubism, fine art has been a reflection of cultural and social values that shaped its time.

The Power and Impact of Political Art

The Power and Impact of Political Art

Dive into the explosive intersection of art and politics! From feminist trailblazers to the media circus, discover how artists are rewriting the rules. Are you ready for the revolution? Click to unravel the future of political art.

‘Winter-Märchen’: Art Meets Fairy Tales at Galerie Knauber

‘Winter-Märchen’: Art Meets Fairy Tales at Galerie Knauber

This winter, Galerie Christine Knauber transforms into a realm where fairy tales and frosty landscapes merge in the “Winter-Märchen” exhibition. Opening on November 23, 2023, this show is a journey into a winter wonderland reimagined by 15 contemporary artists.

Die Fliege, wir und die Kunst

Die Fliege, wir und die Kunst

Entdecken Sie die Fliege in einem neuen Licht! Im Blog-Artikel ‘Die Fliege, wir und die Kunst’ lädt der Künstler Jan Olschewski dazu ein, die Bedeutung der Fliege in unserer Kultur und Kunst zu überdenken. Lernen Sie die beeindruckenden Aspekte dieses Insekts kennen und erfahren Sie, wie die Fliege ihre Präsenz im künstlerischen Kontext behauptet. Lassen Sie sich von der Fliege verzaubern und beginnen Sie, sie mit anderen Augen zu sehen.

Berlin Art Week 2023: The Untold Story of Berlin’s Emerging Artists

Berlin Art Week 2023: The Untold Story of Berlin’s Emerging Artists

Berlin Art Week 2023: an event that resonates with artists, curators, and art enthusiasts alike. For one week, the city transforms into a sprawling canvas, showcasing a myriad of artistic expressions. But as the art world descends upon Berlin, a question looms large: Who gets to be a part of this illustrious event?

Female Artists in AI: Pioneering a Bright New Frontier?

Female Artists in AI: Pioneering a Bright New Frontier?

In an era where technology and art are becoming increasingly interwoven, a new breed of artists is emerging—those who blend traditional painting techniques with artificial intelligence (AI). While the AI art scene is booming, women remain underrepresented. This article aims to shine a spotlight on contemporary female painters who are pushing the boundaries of AI art.

AI-Generated Anthem for the Unheard 🎵

AI-Generated Anthem for the Unheard 🎵

Welcome to the future of AI music video production. Introducing my first-ever AI-generated music video, blending art, music, and technology. Experience the birth of a creation that pushed at öleast my own creative boundaries 😉

Unlocking the Potential of AGI: Early Experiments with GPT-4

Unlocking the Potential of AGI: Early Experiments with GPT-4

In the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), language models like GPT-4 are making tremendous strides towards achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI). AGI is the theoretical ability of an AI to perform any intellectual task that a human can do. Recently, a team of researchers at Microsoft Research conducted early experiments with GPT-4 to uncover its potential for AGI. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the study and its implications.