Maithu Bùi “fromBattlefields toRoborders”

Maithu Bùi “fromBattlefields toRoborders”

Explore Maithu Bùi’s “fromBattlefields toRoborders,” a thought-provoking exhibition on AI-driven border technologies, their violent origins, and ethical dilemmas.

Maithu Bùi’s Soloausstellung „fromBattlefields toRoborders“ in der Galerie im Turm führt in eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit KI und Grenztechnologien, begleitet von Videos, Postern und Rauminstallationen. Ab 1. August 2024, Eintritt frei!

KI vs Kunst: Zukunft Gefahr? | AI vs. Art: Future at Stake?

KI vs Kunst: Zukunft Gefahr? | AI vs. Art: Future at Stake?

KI verändert die Kunstwelt – aber zu welchem Preis? Von Urheberrechtsstreitigkeiten bis hin zum Kampf um die Anerkennung von Künstler*innen – erkunden Sie mit uns die drängenden Themen, die die Zukunft der Kunst prägen.

AI is transforming the art world, but at what cost? From copyright battles to the fight for artist recognition, delve into the pressing issues shaping the future of art.

Female Artists in AI: Pioneering a Bright New Frontier?

Female Artists in AI: Pioneering a Bright New Frontier?

In an era where technology and art are becoming increasingly interwoven, a new breed of artists is emerging—those who blend traditional painting techniques with artificial intelligence (AI). While the AI art scene is booming, women remain underrepresented. This article aims to shine a spotlight on contemporary female painters who are pushing the boundaries of AI art.

Stroking an invisible horse – a human-AI_collab

Stroking an invisible horse – a human-AI_collab

Enter a world of wonder and imagination with “Stroking an Invisible Horse,” a captivating oil painting by Cornelia Es Said, part of the larger “RE:SET” project, a unique collaboration between human artist Cornelia Es Said and AI artist Midjourney. Experience the magic of human-AI collaboration and immerse yourself in a world of wonder and possibility. Click to read more!

The Bubbles project: a human_AI collab

The Bubbles project: a human_AI collab

Experience the fascinating blend of human and AI ingenuity in the Bubbles project, featuring the innovative input of artist Cornelia Es Said, language model ChatGPT, and designer Midjourney. Explore the captivating art collection and discover the boundless possibilities of collaboration. Discover the importance of transparency, diversity, and ethics in AI development. Learn more now!