Eklektisches Rotkäppchen 2020 by cornelia es said,
oil on canvas + digital collage

I did this digital collage on my work-in-progress of “Eklektisches Rotkäppchen” – one of my political artworks that literally took ages to be finished 😉
The collage from 2020 incorporates another one of my oil paintings: “Aphrdite takes a piss”, but here in a rough cutout version.

I will show you the original paintings that led to this collage:

  1. Eklektisches Rotkäppchen (2020)
    Öl auf Leinwand
    120 x 100 cm


Eklektisches Rotkäppchen by cornelia es said. Erstmalige Ausstellung zur Langen Nacht der Bilder 2020
Aphrodite takes a piss - modern art (oil on canvas) by cornelia es said (Berlin, Germany)

2. Aphrodite takes a piss (2017)
   oil on canvas
   60 x 80 cm