Art Against War: Arkadia Festival #4 – Calls for Submissions

Art Against War: Arkadia Festival #4 – Calls for Submissions

In a time of global turmoil, the Arkadia Festival #4 invites artists to explore the theme of War. This festival, organized by the Kunstverein Ebersberg, provides a platform for creative resistance and reflection. Through large-scale posters, artists can address the impact of war and propose visions of peace.

Pop-up Gallery – made in Lichtenberg: Kunst im Ring Center II

Pop-up Gallery – made in Lichtenberg: Kunst im Ring Center II

Die „Pop-up Gallery – made in Lichtenberg“ geht erneut an den Start! In Slot 1 (17. Oktober bis 22. November 2024 im Ring Center II in Berlin) stellen die Künstler*innen Cornelia Es Said, JYE, Jula Lada Ostwind, Nathalie Lendermann, Katja Jandrijasevic und Lacy Barry aus. Die Ausstellung des anschließenden Slot 2 zeigt Werke von Vsevolod Kovtun, Wadim Herrmann, Nicolae Conecinai, Chi Maulbetsch, Oksana Metka und Dennis Fiebich, und läuft bis zum Jahresende 2024.

Maithu Bùi “fromBattlefields toRoborders”

Maithu Bùi “fromBattlefields toRoborders”

Explore Maithu Bùi’s “fromBattlefields toRoborders,” a thought-provoking exhibition on AI-driven border technologies, their violent origins, and ethical dilemmas.

Maithu Bùi’s Soloausstellung „fromBattlefields toRoborders“ in der Galerie im Turm führt in eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit KI und Grenztechnologien, begleitet von Videos, Postern und Rauminstallationen. Ab 1. August 2024, Eintritt frei!

KI vs Kunst: Zukunft Gefahr? | AI vs. Art: Future at Stake?

KI vs Kunst: Zukunft Gefahr? | AI vs. Art: Future at Stake?

KI verändert die Kunstwelt – aber zu welchem Preis? Von Urheberrechtsstreitigkeiten bis hin zum Kampf um die Anerkennung von Künstler*innen – erkunden Sie mit uns die drängenden Themen, die die Zukunft der Kunst prägen.

AI is transforming the art world, but at what cost? From copyright battles to the fight for artist recognition, delve into the pressing issues shaping the future of art.

Pop-up Gallery – made in Lichtenberg

Pop-up Gallery – made in Lichtenberg

Die „Pop-up Gallery – made in Lichtenberg“ ist bis zum 27. August 2024 im Ring Center II in Berlin zu sehen. Bis zum 5. August wird „Defiance!“ von Cornelia Es Said aus der Serie „Generation Courage“ gezeigt.

The “Pop-up Gallery – made in Lichtenberg” is open until August 27, 2024, at Ring Center II in Berlin. Until August 5, “Defiance!” by Cornelia Es Said from the “Generation Courage” series is on display.

Budget Cuts to the Arts endanger Democracy

Budget Cuts to the Arts endanger Democracy

Explore the severe consequences of budget cuts on the arts and democracy, how these cuts erode cultural diversity, foster elitism, and weaken social cohesion. Uncover the broader impact on society and the implicit elitism in privately funded art.

Breaking the Boundaries: The Exciting Evolution of Digital Art

Breaking the Boundaries: The Exciting Evolution of Digital Art

The ever-evolving world of fine art has undergone multiple metamorphoses throughout the millennia. From the classical masterpieces of ancient Greece and Rome, to the religious artistry of the Middle Ages, and on to the innovative Renaissance and Baroque periods, and even to the emergence of modern art movements like Impressionism and Cubism, fine art has been a reflection of cultural and social values that shaped its time.

Eva Alvor

Eva Alvor

Discover Eva Alvor’s haunting textile masterpiece “Dead Bird,” where the threads of life and loss entwine in a stark dance of color and form. This Ukrainian artist’s hand-embroidered narrative evokes a poignant fairy tale, rich with existential musings and a decadent touch of mysticism. Uncover the enigma woven into every stitch.

Julia Apostolidou

Julia Apostolidou

Julia Apostolidou’s “divine” challenges traditional beauty narratives with its bold representation of the female form. This piece, blending oil and oil pastels, confronts societal pressures and the male gaze, advocating for self-confidence and agency. Apostolidou’s departure from hyperrealism in this work spotlights the beauty in imperfection, urging a reevaluation of beauty standards and self-worth.

Laura Aranda

Laura Aranda

Laura Aranda’s “Intertwined II,” featured in krautART’s “Salon de Refusées,” is a thought-provoking art print. Aranda delves into dream interpretation and the human figure, unearthing emotions from nostalgia to fear. Her versatile style, influenced by various art movements, oscillates between abstraction and figuration, offering deep introspection and connection.